Place a piece of rose quartz under your pillow to bring soothing dreams and to attract love into your life. Rose Quartz is helpful in opening the heart to receive spiritual love. It brings a calming and reassuring energy when dealing with change or stress.

Rose Quartz fosters empathy, allowing one to better understand a situation or other person from their point of view. The pink energy of this crystal helps you tune into the Earth's energies and promotes empathy, compassion, and forgiveness of others. When placed on the heart chakra, it allows for self-acceptance and for truly loving another. Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love - self-love, family, platonic, and romantic. This stone is a very powerful love amplifier. Place Rose Quartz Crystals in your heart chakra to attract love and compassion into your life. Your Heart Chakra is located at the center of your chest directly over your physical heart. It opens the heart to all types of love - self-love, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. It heals emotional wounds and allows love to be given and received freely. The Rose Quartz Crystal is a stone of the heart chakra. Treat yourself to one of these lovely crystals, and you can start to feel all the emotions you have been repressing, and this can help you move forward in your life and find new relationships. It clears blockages and brings peace to the heart.

The rose quartz crystal helps in removing those challenges. How does a rose quartz crystal work with the heart chakra? Just as the rose has thorns, the heart chakra is also having challenges. Rose Quartz Heart Chakra Crystal Properties & More