Its decisions are based upon the ability of an applicant to prove his/her case in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL).

The board hears requests for providing an applicant relief from zoning requirements which are nonconforming. The boundaries of the zone districts are hereby established as shown on the map entitled Zoning Map, Borough of Highlands, adopted by the Borough Council on May 19. Environmental Resource Inventory Master Plan Planning Board Zoning Board of Adjustment Policy Development.

Nonpermitted use applications may or may not require variances. DEVELOPMENT REGULATION - A zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, site plan ordinance, official map ordinance or other municipal regulation of the use. Lot 70 X 100 - According to zoning office sub rule 330-166 allows for undersized lots to be developed as long as proper setbacks are met and lot was in. This custom home was designed in 2010 by Jim Schriner. Welcome to the Highland Lakes google satellite map This place is situated in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States, its geographical coordinates are 41° 10 38' North, 74° 28 9' West and its original name (with diacritics) is Highland Lakes. The zoning map comprised of three pages as follows:, entitled, Zoning Map, prepared by Vernon Township, dated December 14, 2012, page 2, entitled, Highlands Preservation Area Overlay Zones dated May 15, 2014, and page 3, entitled, Highlands Preservation Area Map Insets dated are hereby adopted as the Official Zoning Ma. Mortgage 3,359 /mo Get Pre-Qualified Local Information Schools Shop & Eat © Google - mins to Commute Destination Description ViewsViewsViews Welcome to your custom designed lake style home. The Vernon Township Land Use Board is a quasi-judicial body meaning it operates similar to a court of law but is not as strict. It is the board’s responsibility to ensure that these applications are in conformance with the township Master Plan and development ordinances, that they satisfy public safety concerns, meet generally accepted design standards and require no variances. 1 Bath 1,720 sqft (on 0.29 acres) 449,000 Est. An interactive mapping application of the New Jersey Highlands Region that allows users to view Highlands Council GIS data layers and produce maps and reports of user. Permitted use applications include site plan and subdivision applications, conditional use permits, related bulk “C” and “D” variances, encroachment permits and site plan waiver requests.

It hears two different types of applications-those which are generally in compliance with the township’s land development regulations and those which are not. When the zoning application is approved building permits can be applied for.The Vernon Township Land Use Board is a quasi-judicial body meaning it operates similar to a court of law but is not as strict. Along with the application please include a copy of the survey for the property highlighting the proposed changes and the required fee, which is listed on the application. 31 Results Highland Lakes, NJ Real Estate & Homes For Sale Add Location Hide Map Order By Just Listed 1/31 3 Village Way 4 Vernon Twp.

Zoning permit applications are available in the Code Enforcement Department or can be downloaded from our Forms Page or mailed by calling or emailing the Zoning Officer.
PDF icon Highlands Exemption Determination Application. The Zoning Officer administers the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance which can be found on the website by searching Land Development or section 230 of the municipal code. Mount Olive Township Highlands Master Plan Element, 822.26 KB. Prior to receiving a building permit, zoning approval is required for most modifications, new use to an existing structure, installations or construction activity for both residential and commercial property.